Genocide As “Social Justice”

August 5, 2023

What is behind CRT/DEI/Social Justice- and concerted accusations of
a 50+% White Supremacy Crisis (actually maybe a 0.01% problem)?
What was already, essentially achieved – before a fully planned and scripted doctrine of War was initiated? What would MLK think of Racial/Gender Genocide or a reversed KKK wanting newly separated water fountains?

How much was accomplished – since his time? Equality (to enough of a degree)? Yes. Diversity (to enough of a degree)? Yes. Affirmative Action (to enough of a degree)? Yes. Inclusion (to enough of a degree)? Yes. Essentially every facet was accomplished. But, somehow, all advancements have been Reversed – as if it’s pre-1954 (Board of Education) and pre-MLK successes. Backward, to a Nation of Islam rhetoric (circa 1960s). Backward, to a Militant view – promoting a Racist War of division (wholly created beyond actual context and actual historical progress).

What is on video record – as verbatim “policy goals” (supported/coordinated and promoted/directed from the very top of the world’s organizations)? Watch/Listen @ 18.21 (Twitter’s New CEO):

Extolling/Cheering: “Our new chairman of … (NBC), [says] the biggest news division in the country is going to be 50% women and 50% people of color.” This goal, from “the biggest news division in the country” is widespread – across the entire country.

Was she confronted over such inflammatory discrimination? Or, was she rewarded – culminating with a new CEO position?

50% Women and 50% People of Color = NO WHITE MEN. With That 100% – White Males Are Written Out of Existence. It Is In Writing – As a Policy. It Is On Video – As Proof. The Policy Is Racial/Gender Genocide.

They (WEF/UN/CRT/DEI) Consider This “Social Justice.” It is a “Socially Justified” War of “Exclusion.” And, this is the new policy of virtually all HR Departments. Should it be celebrated? Or, should it immediately be challenged in the Supreme Court? Does The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit discrimination on the basis of race or sex?

Next Video Record – a prestigious professor, with openly verbatim “goals.” Watch/Listen @ 9:12:

Extolling/Cheering: “We gotta take these MotherF*ckers out.” And then,
“Whiteness is gonna have an end date.”

It = a mentality of Racial Genocide. It = reversing the KKK (as just a normal/acceptable evolution).

Did she lose her job over such a truthful/revealing rant? No, she is still spouting similar diatribes – while being further celebrated. What would happen to you if you crossed the same line – regarding any other Race, Color, or Creed? What would happen is undoubted.

With those presentations as exact representations, consider further:
Since virtually all HR Departments are indeed being (forcefully) overtaken with Equity (DEI) Managers, just ask yourself this: “If I am a White male, how will I ever find a job again?” “How will I be able to buy/sell/eat?” Answer: “If the War succeeds, in time, you won’t be able to.” It is not about Equality (of all), Diversity (of all), Inclusion (of all), Equity (for all) – or even Affirmative Action. Those days are past. It is, now, about (Institutionalized) Racial/Gender Genocide – literally, as planned many years ahead (and covered with fancy university/corporate legalese as warfare language – the very style Orwell warned of).

“The emperor has no clothes.” Say that, in relation to any of this, and what will they accuse you of? Being a White Supremacist? If so, ask them: “If ‘50% women and 50% people of color’ represents ‘Justice,’ whose soul/heart is revealed by blatant/blinded discrimination/racism?” “The responding accuser, or the oppressed target – being written out of existence?” Then, ask further: “If ‘White people are like the devil’ (to you), whose side would God be on?”

We were already there: Equality, and even harmony. Regardless, they decided to destroy it all – with a Race/Gender War, wholly created out of cloth. Who embraced harmony – and who wants to blow it all apart? Who are on the side of MLK to this day (not judging by the color of skin) – and who seeks to ruin his entire vision?

Management: Whites Need Not Apply
“White Supremacy…Is the Most Dangerous Terrorist Threat”
If You Stand Up/Speak Out – It Is Further Proof Of Your Racism

Tracking Policies: Revelations In Our Age

January 1, 2022

In this age of Total Surveillance, would you want to Opt-In – to their terms? If not, how could you Opt-Out? For growing awareness, the following is a literal representation/summary of an insurance (Farmers) provider’s notice received in relation to the current level of “Privacy” one can expect. It includes essentially every metric available in our modern world as a means to access and correlate the most private aspects of our entire lives. Moreover, the statement also emphasizes that it not only covers the policy holder, but “members of [the] household” as well.

An Actual Privacy Policy – For Car Insurance
Farmers: “Information We Collect”

“Internal” category including an example of Individual Interests:
How would they know what those personal interests are? How would they find them? To what extent? How would they be able to “Collect” and correlate all that “Individual” information? What does this have to do with car insurance (now)?

“Historical” category including Personal History: Criminal and Medical history (with records): So, they want to know our criminal history (if any) to determine coverage? Reflecting: Once one pays his debt, if any, to society it actually does not end there? Medical? What in the hell? What about HIPAA? How deep/far? How “Personal”? How private? What happened to patient/doctor confidentiality? What if one had Covid-19 – but gained Natural Immunity afterward, and thus decided (aside from religious concerns) to refuse Vaccine Mandates? Again, what does all this have to do with car insurance (now)?

“Financial” category including Credit, Records of Property, Income, Loans, and Taxes: So, moreover, if they have access to all Credit, Income, Loans (etc.), and Taxes – combined with all Interests, Criminal, and Medical history, what is left – and, what does this entirety have to do with car insurance (now)?

“External” category including Browsing Behavior and Mental Health: My browsing history? As in “Interests,” how would they know what that behavioral history is? To what extent? Again, how would they also be able to “Collect” and correlate all that “External” information? Mental? What could be more private? How could they have said access? What if I am being treated for a major disorder, but it’s been under control for years. What if it’s not? What happened to patient/doctor confidentiality? Do I have to pay more or less for insurance on my car depending on the insurance company’s biases toward certain afflictions? Are some disorders credited as acceptable while others are penalized as not?

“Social” category including Professional, Public Life, Social Network, and Communication with examples of job titles, work history, schools, [criminal] charges (even if found innocent), and telephone recordings: Well, that’s quite a Profile – including Social Media. So, our rates may vary according to everything previous, as well as postings on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, etc.? Does that mean the insurance company will evaluate those sites/posts for political stances, religious leanings, and anything deemed conspiratorial? Are those “telephone recordings” only between one and the insurance company? Or, as with everything previous, should one also assume that it’s all there for the taking – as in, literally, every (other) cell phone call and every (other) existing “Communication”?

“Tracking” category including Location with an example of IP Addresses: By this point of the “Notice” it could be assumed that, beyond our home-based computers, this also means “Tracking” us via, say, Google Maps (with our cell phones), at all times. And, it could be further assumed that, through their Snowden-leaked type technologies, we might be pinpointed to such a degree where even our “IP Addresses,” from wherever else we accessed the web, was additionally under constant surveillance – in order to assess (car) insurance coverage.

To sum up, that’s “Internal,” “Historical,” “Financial,” “External,” “Social,” and “Tracking.” Quite a life compilation. And, these notices are now simply inserted, or linked, at the end of almost every agreement/policy – just as they made common with Arbitration clauses. After all this, just for car insurance, ask yourself: Is there anything left – as unknown to them, or as sacred to you?

Revelations In Our Age

How much more clear of an absolute example in this area do we need? Furthermore, and in total relation, consider/correlate the following article with this summary: How Digital Vaccine Passports Pave Way for Unprecedented Surveillance Capitalism:Gates’ ID2020 campaign has collaborated with the forces advancing a system that registers Americans’ vaccination status with the same corporation that calculates their financial credit score.” What do they want, altogether? What are their ultimate goals combined with hidden objectives? Is it a complete/all-encompassing Social Credit System (of “Tracking”), be it through Vaccine Passports, National IDs, or eventual Microchips? Will there come a time when we won’t be able to buy or sell without being a (targeted) part of it? Will we have a choice?

Vaccine Passport EXP

How much more of a picture do we need – as proof of our current age,
of where we stand within, of what was written
(to be aware of, and to be ready for)?


Do the words ominous and prophetic come to mind? They should.

The Times They Are A-Changin’

Will You Accept a Microchip? Will You Have a Choice?

December 21, 2021

Religious Exemptions Not Allowed

Document Reveals USPS Is Monitoring Social Media Posts
Orwellian: Dictionary Changing “Vaccine” Definition
500 Million Pushed Into Poverty By COVID Policies
Australians Being Sent To “Quarantine Camps”
Parents Are Now “Domestic Terrorists”
Vaccine Passports: Mass Surveillance

Watch: How Much Is Controlled?

The Groom’s Still Waiting at the Altar
The Times They Are A-Changin’
Sparks of the Tempest

Network[ed] Narratives (World Be Damned)

November 6, 2017

Step by Step Productions:
Scripted, Talking Points, PR and Staged Narratives

Donna Brazile, the DNC, and [Endless Colluded Corruption]

Right off the bat, Richard Eskow sets up a MSM cover, deflection, and downplay article: “Aren’t there better things to argue about?  As it turns out, there are.”

Aside from this “play/write it safe as possible” PR blather, in relation to Donna Brazile and ongoing corruption within the DNC, this whole related context demands “things to argue about” – vehemently, but not in the MSNBC/CNN-style of Scripted/Pre-approved Talking Point Presentations – fulfilled upon Staged Productions.

Prime Example:
“And she’s quick to pronounce the DNC innocent of actions, including her own, that are . . . widely known.”

Right there, we have a bottom line, a core, and the overriding Truth.
Yet, he immediately follows this up with two sentences which destroy his and the article’s entire credibility:

“Still, Brazile is right on the particulars.  And it’s hard not to admire her courage, book promotion or not.”

Just literally sickening: “it’s hard not to admire her courage” – while discounting the PR campaign for a Book Tour ($1 million dollars profit?).

Here’s an example of Donna Brazile’s courage:

Further Acts and Scripts In The Name of Jesus Christ and God:

Quote: “As a Christian woman I understand persecution, but I will not stand here and be persecuted because your information is totally false.”

“Stop and think about . . . that sort of bald-faced (Worldwide TV) Lie [for a moment.]”

Next: “Don’t re-litigate the past.”  “This time around, I couldn’t agree more.  Let’s litigate the future instead.”

Yes, “We must look forward, not backward.”  Wait!  That sounds so familiar!  And, did that mentality help us to right so many critical wrongs that were done on the world stage – thus, actually enabling them to exponentially propagate?

Again: Just – Literally – Sickening.

Then: “A reformed Democratic Party should” blah blah, blah = As If!

Why “As If?” For one among multitudes:
The DNC picked a bunch of sleazy lobbyists as superdelegates, can’t figure out why no one is donating.

Within Controlled confines, nothing will change – beyond reworkings of Scripts, Narratives, Presentations, and Staged Productions.

Spicer - Titanic

10/01 Headline:
WH Pushes Positive PR Campaign as Puerto Rico’s Crisis Continues

Look (10/19):
Trump speaking to reporters as Puerto Rican governor Ricardo Rossello looked on. “I would give myself a ten,” he said.  “We have provided so much, so fast.”

Remember an Alternate Headline:
Leaked: Outlined PR Plan for Worldwide TV Show

A Step by Step Production:
“today and tomorrow we use” – “Monday and Tuesday we can pivot” –
“throughout next week and next weekend” – “Then we start a theme”

At what (scripted) page of the Production are we on?

Consider again:
How much of what I see, hear, and read is . . . Controlled?
To what extent?  How far under do those Narrative tentacles feed?
How long has this been going on?
And, what more does this “Leak” actually tell us?

Then, don’t be surprised by an eventual Final Act Production Note:
“Planned hits.”

And know:
The aide said that guys like me were ‘in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who ‘believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’  […]  ‘That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued.  ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.  And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out.  We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.’

In a series of Narrated Setups: First, Star Chamber interests decide what directions and actions are needed to fulfill what has been chosen for implementation.  Next (after successful steps), many months (or even years) beforehand, they dispense Talking Points to concerted operatives, pliable/collusive publications, and fronted or “reliable” “news” sources.  Then, the people are (sold) “informed” incrementally as to what is inevitably upcoming.  Thus, under the guise of Facts simply being reported, it works (exceedingly) as a well-timed machine.

Beatitudes: a Godless Jesus

Eve of the Great Decline

The Story In Your Eyes

World Stage[d] Mocking – of Christians, Jesus, God

October 17, 2017

He makes Jokes out of this:
Trump Mocks Christians -

Trump Mocks Christians - -

And Acts on the World Stage with this:
Trump Mocks Christians - - -

Beatitudes: a Godless Jesus

Human Clay

Protest Music: War (In The Name of God)

Eve of the Great Decline

Eve of the Great Decline

October 10, 2017

Romans 1:18-21

The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them.  For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—His eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

For although they knew God, they neither glorified Him as God nor gave thanks to Him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 

Revelation 1:8

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

When +++

Wave after wave will flow with the tide, and bury the world as it does.
Tide after tide will flow and recede, leaving life to go on as it was. . . .

Beatitudes: a Godless Jesus

September 24, 2017

PR Book Tours, MSM Revisionist Collusion, and Related Sacrilege:

A “Godless” Jesus?  

When those of the world stage[s] put on Acts In the Name of God
without His (true) confirmation, assurance, or guidance, historical repercussions most often (eventually) reveal their obscured Lies:
The deceitful directions/related measures were actually of
(and from) the darkest (princely) sources/powers.

I’ve Been to the Mountaintop

September 5, 2017

“All we say to America is, ‘Be true to what you said on paper.’  

If I lived in China or even Russia, or any totalitarian country, maybe I could understand the denial of certain basic 1st Amendment privileges, because they hadn’t committed themselves to that over there.

But somewhere I read of the Freedom of Assembly.  Somewhere I read of the Freedom of Speech.

Somewhere I read of the Freedom of the Press.  Somewhere I read that the greatness of America is the Right to Protest – for Right.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord!!

Orwell: 1984
Ministry of Truth: News, Entertainment, Education, Art (Propaganda).

Get Born - Homesick +

Radical Revolutionary [or Visionary?]

Passion: Riverside Church

Gotta Serve Somebody

Protest Music: War (In The Name of God)

August 26, 2017

Fight The Good Fight +

August 18, 2017

Fight The Good Fight +

Revelation 14:12
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they
that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

Acts 1:3
To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God:

Guiding Light +
John 21:25
And there are also many other things which Jesus did, the which, if
they should be written every one, I suppose that even the world
itself could not contain the books that should be written.  Amen.


I Love You, my Brother,
I Love You, my Friend,
I Love You, my Savior –
Of which, shall never end.

An Open Letter to Google/YouTube

August 4, 2017


Censored, Blocked, and Banned: An Open Letter to Google/YouTube
(Censorship: Google Bans and First Draft Coalition[s])

My account, (Verified Channel) WindHarps (which has been online since September of 2007), is in Good Standing (0 copyright strikes/0 Community Guidelines strikes).  Moreover, the entire channel and all uploaded videos reflect dedication, inspiration, and devotion to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.  Yet, it is essentially Blocked, overall. For instance, my most recent/Featured video (I’ve Been) Searchin’ So Long: Chicago (Rains) has been locked at 522 visits for two months – even though it is known, for a Fact, that various friends from other blogs, social sites, and personal relationships have been visiting/watching.  Further, in total relation, virtually every video at WindHarps Videos has experienced or witnessed an abrupt, absolute cessation of (Counted/Analytic) views during the same period.

Crucially revealing, this has happened numerous times over the last ten years – which also resulted in various (similar) letters sent to you via Fax, Email, and Feedback.

Why?  Do you have a problem with individuals who focus on God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit?  But no, since there are so many others who succeed on YouTube in the same vein it must not be that (as a core).  Is it something else, like Politics (past and present)?  Is it because of a ceasing of Advertising ($pending money) through AdWords for promotion?  Is it connected to the First Draft Coalition? Or, is it all (Holy Trinity, Politics, and Censorship) working together?

Whatever your (actual) reasons, a Resolution is sought – without my offering any compromises to permanent values or dedications.  The WindHarps channel and all related videos can be Unblocked and/or taken out of purposely effective obscurity (manually relegating content to pages 172, for example) should you choose, altruistically (as a matter of what is simply righteous – even in business models), or just technically (as a matter of the least levels – of business ethics).

(These factual statements have also be sent by way of Feedback).
Finally, forward this communication to any appropriate departments.


YouTube Censorship - First Draft Coalitions

YouTube: Censored and Blocked

Google and Evil

Addendum: How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet
to Manipulate,
Deceive, and Destroy Reputations

One of the many pressing stories that remains to be told from the Snowden archive is how intelligence agencies are attempting to manipulate and control online discourse with extreme tactics of deception and reputation-destruction.

[O]ur NBC reporting highlighted some of the key, discrete revelations: the monitoring of YouTube and Blogger, . . . and destructive viruses. But, here, I want to focus and elaborate on the overarching point revealed by all of these documents: namely, that these agencies are attempting to control, infiltrate, manipulate, and warp online discourse, and in doing so, are compromising the integrity of the internet itself.

In fact, the discussion of many of these techniques occurs in the context of using them in lieu of “traditional law enforcement” against people suspected (but not charged or convicted) of ordinary crimes or . . . those who use online protest activity for political ends.  The title page of one of these documents reflects the agency’s own awareness that it is “pushing the boundaries” by using “cyber offensive” techniques against people who have nothing to do with terrorism or national security threats.

The broader point is that . . . these surveillance agencies have vested themselves with the power to deliberately ruin people’s reputations. . . .

[This] amounts to targeting citizens for expressing their political beliefs, resulting in the stifling of legitimate dissent.

Under the tactics they use, the state is deliberately spreading lies on the internet about whichever individuals it targets, including the use of what GCHQ itself calls “false flag operations.”  Who would possibly trust a government to exercise these powers at all, let alone do so in secret, with virtually no oversight, and outside of any cognizable legal framework? : “Strategic Influence and Disruption.”

Whatever else is true, no government should be able to engage in these tactics.

Spies Seek to Control the Internet

The ability to manipulate the results of online polls, artificially inflate pageview counts on web sites, “amplif[y]” sanctioned messages on YouTube, and Censor Video Content judged to be “extremist.”  “Ability to artificially increase traffic to a website” (GATEWAY) and “ability to inflate page views on websites” (SLIPSTREAM).  “Amplification of a given message, normally video, on popular multimedia websites (Youtube)” (GESTATOR).  (As evidenced, “Censor[ing]”/blocking is often explicit, in reality).

GCHQ has Tools to Manipulate Online Information

Capabilities to boost views of YouTube videos, or to boost the circulation of particular messages are also detailed.

Snowden Docs Reveal Spies Snooped on YouTube and Facebook

The government can tap into the cables carrying the world’s web traffic at will and spy on what people are doing on some of the world’s most popular social media sites, including YouTube.  British cyber spies demonstrated a pilot program to their U.S. partners in 2012 in which they were able to monitor YouTube in real time and collect addresses. Called “Psychology A New Kind of SIGDEV” (Signals Development), the presentation includes a section that spells out “Broad real-time monitoring of online activity” of YouTube videos, URLs “liked” on Facebook, and Blogspot/Blogger visits.  The monitoring program is called “Squeaky Dolphin.”  “Governments have no business knowing which YouTube videos everyone in the world is watching.”

Ring Them Bells +1
Holy Blood +

Google – New America and First Draft Coalitions

StartPage: World’s Most Private Search Engine

StartMail: Privacy is a Basic Human Right

Lord Is It Mine

June 11, 2017

I know that there’s a reason why I need to be alone
I know that there’s a silent place that I can call my own
Is it mine?
Oh, Lord, is it mine?

You know I get so weary from the battles in this life
And as many times it seems that you’re the only hope in sight
Is it mine?
Oh, Lord, is it mine?

When everything’s dark, and nothing seems right,
You don’t have to win, and there’s no need to fight

I never cease to wonder at the cruelty of this land
But it seems a time of sadness is a time to understand
Is it mine?
Oh, Lord, is it mine?

When everything’s dark, and nothing seems right,
You don’t have to win, and there’s no need to fight

If only I could find a way
To feel your sweetness through the day
The love that shines around me could be mine
So give us an answer, won’t you?
We know what we have to do
There must be a thousand voices trying to get throughLord Is It Mine - Believe +

“Amen”: New Beginnings

Hold On + Triumph

To Believe

January 19, 2017

Imagine visions, hearing, over years: there will be a renewed future.  Imagine resultant periods of unique success, of unbreakable hope and various inspirational/spiritual peaks.  Imagine, after more years, finding yourself immersed in total turmoil (and ongoing diabolicaattacks)
 reaching a point where virtually everything earthly was lost: realization of fruition had not come to pass.  Imagine (with the latter) not being able to see any path for it to ever be fulfilled (as now) – though at times (all along the way) occurrences were sent as a means to enhance remembrance of the original.  Thereupon, imagine another one, but without specifics – and soon crying out because it still seemed absolutely impossible.  Then, imagine a reply: To Believe – without knowing. . . .

Ys to Eyes

Re: The Family of Jesus

02/26: "You Have Driven . . ."

Gotta Serve Somebody +

October 7, 2015

You may be a preacher with your spiritual pride
You may be a city councilman taking bribes on the side

But you’re gonna have to serve somebody, yes indeed
You’re gonna have to serve somebody,
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you’re gonna have to serve somebody.

Gotta Serve Somebody +

“People seldom do what they believe in.  
They do what is convenient, then repent.” 

Mary Shines (On Gospels)

Believing: One

Mary Shines (On Gospels)

April 25, 2015

Mary +3

During and following “the cowardice of evil” (to be written), the absolute honor of perseverance ultimately prevails – where during, we continue (with promises), regardless of the most vile maneuvers, and where following, we triumph (past death).  Thus, Victory is The Lord’s with One Word (context), for we rise up, over and over (as was written), and will see a new eternity as “only the beginning.”


Imagine a (“rich”) preacher of the Gospel of Prosperity speaking down
to someone who (to his knowledge) has nothing, a poor person at the bottom of the earth who (seemingly) has never been given, or even achieved anything, a human being who (simply) must be marked to be downtrodden because he never received or found the Grace or Spirit of God and Jesus Christ, or experienced any of Their rewards.
The preacher: “Oh, you poor, lost soul.  You are only forsaken because you were never saved into the true light.  Dear God and Jesus, I pray that this wretched, tormented waste may be forgiven.  I pray that once your actual gospel is accepted by this refuse, enough money to live off the interest, a new elite-status car, a new mansion-level house, and a new model of a wife will flood into his life.  May he then no longer need to be beaten into submission.  May he then be welcomed as one of us!”

The poor: “The riches I have received are more than you may ever know, for your service is to the prince itself!  What do you know – of me, those like me, or those before me?  Nothing!  You could never know in your current vein, for your wisdom and soul has as good as been sold.  Continue this path, and when we are given every treasure, you will surely see that your corruption left you with nothing.  We may die, while (also) being (physically) tortured (since the most cowardly has always resorted to this).  But, without ever having taken any (of your) numbers, we will live forever after – in fulfillment.  For those like you, we can pray.  But, once in His Judgment, there will be no sway.”

Mary2nd  Return

Malala Yousafzai: Standing (Who Will Listen?)

October 13, 2013

Alternate Headline: “Malala’s Faith: Standing as a Voice of Courage (Who Will Listen?) Actual Headline: “Taliban Unrepentant: Vows to kill young activist – if she survives.”

Sheer “ignorance” and pure hypocrisy continue, as imposed by a (dwindling) minority force – those who have opportunities to utilize intelligence and available “knowledge” – but refuse to accept (awakening) winds of change.  There are combinations, of course – where utilization and availability are realized (to degrees/stages), yet control, thus power, must (as some deem necessary) override – since freedom of access might infringe upon entitled goals. Surah 4. An-Nisaa, 17: “Allah accepts only the repentance of those who do evil in ignorance and (their) foolishness and repent soon afterwards; To them will Allah turn in mercy: For Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom.”  Jesus The Son of Man: ” “But I tolerate not the hypocrite, because he himself lays a yoke upon the guileless and the yielding.”

As noted/sung by Cat Stevens (Yusuf Islam), “deceit kills the light.”  If women and female children are denied equal education windows, what does that say/represent about the Fear in related men (and how far deceptions may shadow – over thousands of years, like stoning)?  It is possible, while “On the Road to Find Out,” to “kick out the devil’s sin” and “pick up [a] good book” – without denying one’s growth through learning (advancements), and especially without denying others the same. Surah 4. An-Nisaa, 1: “He (Allah) created his mate of similar nature.”  John 8:7: “He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.” 



Here is the Truth that invites. Now is the Chance to realize.



In Memory: MLK (Mountaintop)

August 19, 2013

MLK + 3

Dreams:With this faith, we will be able to hew
out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope.”

“Make the pledge that we shall always march ahead.”

“To work and fight until justice runs down like water,
and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

“I’m not fearing any man.”

In Memory (and Honor): Ash Wednesday

February 13, 2013

Regardless of denomination: According to the canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus spent 40 days fasting in the desert — where he endured temptation by satan.  Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of this 40-day liturgical period of prayer and fasting.

WindHarps: Ash Wednesdays

Ash Wednesdays

WindHarps: Challenges and Ashes

Challenges and Ashes

Parable of the Faithful Servant
“To whomever much is given, of him will much be required;
and to whom much was entrusted, of him more will be asked.”

“Keeper of the Light”: In Memory and Thanks

In memory of a shield and a cross: Daniel 12:2
And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

The Resurrection of the Dead
1. And in those days shall the earth also give back that which has been entrusted to it,
And Sheol also shall give back that which it has received,
And hell shall give back that which it owes.

In Memory of Aaron Swartz

January 18, 2013

Aaron Swartz’s Politics

“As we think about what happened to Aaron, we need to recognize that it was not just prosecutorial overreach that killed him.  That’s too easy, because that implies it’s one bad apple.  We know that’s not true.  What killed him was corruption.  Corruption isn’t just people profiting from betraying the public interest.  It’s also people being punished for upholding the public interest.”

Bogus Statement Concerning The Aaron Swartz Prosecution
“Basically, this whole system is wide open to abuse, and it’s clear from Ortiz’s actions that she, too, was abusing the system in this manner: pushing for super high possible jail time as a huge and scary weapon to try to pressure Swartz into accepting a lower rate — but also making him a convicted felon.”

Prosecutor as Bully
“That person is gone today, driven to the edge by what a decent society would only call bullying.  I get wrong.  But I also get proportionality.  And if you don’t get both, you don’t deserve to have the power of the United States government behind you.”

Prosecution of Aaron Swartz Pushed Him Toward Death
”I think Aaron was frightened and bewildered that they’d taken this incredibly hard line against him…He didn’t want to go to jail.  He didn’t want to be a felon.”

Aaron Swartz and the Corrupt Practice of Plea Bargaining
“But none of these rights matter if the defendant never gets to trial.  And thanks to the legal fiction that plea bargaining is a voluntary negotiation between the prosecutor and defendant, our justice system effectively gives people dramatically longer sentences for exercising the right to have a trial at all.”

Consequences for Prosecutorial Abuse in Case of Aaron Swartz
“The US has become a society in which political and financial elites systematically evade accountability for their bad acts, no matter how destructive.  Those who torture, illegally eavesdrop, commit systemic financial fraud, even launder money for designated terrorists and drug dealers are all protected from criminal liability, while those who are powerless – or especially, as in Swartz’s case, those who challenge power – are mercilessly punished for trivial transgressions.”

Prosecution of Aaron Swartz Paints Obama’s Justice Department
And Heymann knew about Swartz’s mental health problems.  In an interview with the Boston Globe, Andy Good, Swartz’s first lawyer, said: “I told Heymann the kid was a suicide risk, … they were aware of the risk, and they were heedless.”  In what Good says is typical of prosecutors when dealing with a target who is a potential suicide, he recounted Heymann’s response as: “Fine, we’ll lock him up.”

Aaron Swartz and Jean Seberg
“The psychological toll of being targeted by the government for political beliefs is massive, the stuff that filled Soviet-era gulags.”

Watch Aaron Swartz Explain How SOPA Was Stopped

Inspiring Heroism of Aaron Swartz
“He could have easily opted for a life of great personal wealth, status, prestige and comfort.  He chose instead to fight – selflessly, with conviction and purpose, and at great risk to himself – for noble causes to which he was passionately devoted.”

Statement from the Family and Partner of Aaron Swartz
“We’re grateful for our time with him, to those who loved him and stood with him, and to all of those who continue his work for a better world.”

Remember Aaron Swartz
“Aaron’s insatiable curiosity, creativity, and brilliance; his reflexive empathy and capacity for selfless, boundless love; his refusal to accept injustice as inevitable—these gifts made the world, and our lives, far brighter.”

Remember Aaron Swartz

‘The government killed my son’: Father of Aaron Swartz speaks out at his son’s funeral and claims he was ‘Hounded’ to his Death.

Christmas Awakenings: I Remember You

December 24, 2012

Miracles of Life

Changing Seasons: Ring Them Bells

Christmas Revelations

A Sign of the Times

Mark 8:18
Having eyes, do you not see?
And having ears, do you not hear?
And do you not remember?

John 14:26
But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father
will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and
bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.

Words of Light

November 16, 2012

11-13-2012: "Hand of God"

Octateuch: Hand of God

11/13/12: For . . . , by Michael

Yes: The More We Live
The evidence of our confusion, life has left its mark;
The more we fear, the more we lie, the more we hide.

As we walk into tomorrow
(Turning away from the path we know)
Holding the future with our hands
(We carry the weight of the world we go)
It’s up to you and I
(We hold the key; we hold the answer)

All my thoughts of doubt and fear are leaving one by one,
The more we live, the more we learn, the more we know.

Yes: Shock to the System
So, in answer to the prayer, the one you want is there
The one you feel inside of you
So, in answer to the dream, this time you are so clear
It’s always got to be, it’s always got to be this way, forever

Shock to the future
Shock to the rights of mankind
And they won’t even go blind
When they can’t see what’s going on

Fall of the Rebel Angels

A Sign of the Times: Biblical Values (Sold Out)

November 5, 2012

Yes, we are at a “crossroads.”

At this critical point in history, where corporate/moneyed elites have purposely led us to a brink and are taking every deceitful measure to take us further (as a means to reshape the world, pre-FDR, etc.), this (Ad Campaign) is, indeed, a definitive sign of the times.

Biblical Values or Elite Principles?

“Biblical Values”?

To see Billy Graham on the stage siding and colluding with Romney (thus all relating destructive ideology) in the name of Christianity – Jesus – God is to see weakened flocks (beaten down in relentless measures) sold into present markets via modern marketing pens –
as Jesus’ main focuses (New Testaments) are sullied to extremes.

“Biblical Principles”?

Matthew 21:12 
Jesus entered the temple area and drove out all who were buying
and selling there.  He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.

They have been there (here) since antiquity, those who purport to know the Spirit (and its callings) – while leading/swaying from the most advantageous pinnacles.  And, since then, a message of warning has exclaimed: “they are not to be followed, for all who are led by them will only be drawn into ever-barren deserts – as pawns to be used for digging their sand.”

Billy Graham: “I believe it is vitally important that we cast our ballots for candidates who base their decisions on biblical principles. . . .”

Romney: They “believe the Kingdom of God will arise from . . . a political figure who will also be their spiritual leader.  They believe there will be a one-world government ruled by this god-king.  He will be a prophet and high priest of the Mormon faith, ruling the world from America.”

Matthew 10:16 
“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves.
Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

Those who refuse to listen, in (corrective) guidance, will never hear.  Those who are assured of their sight, in spite of what is alternatively shown, will remain blind.  And, many of the same will speak (preach) of God’s intentions, while never having served, heard, or met His Spirit – thus their words (and directions) should be (and will be) discarded.

Reflections: Rich Passages Through Needles

August 5, 2012

(Romney’s Gods Problem)

Matthew 19:24
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

The key is a question: Why?  Without understanding why (where various paths are available for realization), one may acknowledge this passage, yet, never actually care about, or learn (or live) the message – as (a cored) truth.  Thus, for most of them, those who do not righteously seek, and those whose silver-spooned existence since birth has deprived (both by choice and obscured nature) even their imaginations of what the burdens are, of what those burdens lead to for the poor, their paths are essentially predestined in opposition – to discovery, to the answers.

In further exemplification, the latter denials (still) serve to fulfill the most destructive self-serving delusions (and repercussions):

Matthew 21:12-13
And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all
them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew
the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them
that sold doves,
And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called
the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

In the present, a rich” “den of thieves” persists in maliciously premeditated mockery – but not only in “house[s] of prayer”; for now, their soullessly hoaxed ideology (as if a religion in itself) has been firmly planted (“that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect”) in media and coordinated governmental campaigns worldwide.  To them, as they believe, their time has come.  To those on the outside (of earthly mansions), watching, suffering, and rising (spiritually), many know that this very history was written of – thousands of years ago.  While witnessing the onslaught, their beliefs and convictions (in sacred justifications) will also never falter through these prophesied progressions: out of great tribulation,”  “Here is the patience and the faith” – “in their foreheads” (though, at certain times of calling and duty, also written on their sleeves).

WindHarps: "Shared Words"

“Shared Words”

The Resurrection of Ralph Reed

Occupations Rising: Pots and Pans Worldwide

May 27, 2012

In Quebec, A Revolution of Love, Hope and Community

“If we talk, if we exchange ideas and debate the future of our society, we will want to change it.  And nothing terrifies the powerful more than a change to the system which gives them their power.”

“People don’t need the media to tell them what is happening outside their door.  They can hear it.  They can feel it.  The genie cannot go back in the bottle. We are awake, truly awake for the first time in a long time.  We will not go back to sleep.”

Occupy: Walk Like an Egyptian

Update (06/04):
Northern Light: Why Canada’s ‘Casserole’ Movement is All of Ours

Sound familiar? : Tuition abuses and “a call for higher fees for health care, the firing of public sector employees, the closure of factories, the corporate exploitation of natural resources, new restrictions on union organizing, and an announced increase in the retirement age.”

It should.  An extremist ideology was agreed upon by elite leaders throughout the world – in covert concerts.  “Austerity” and “Shared Sacrifice” would be a wave across all lands – this, purposely, being the direct opposite of what was needed (for positive recovery).  With these consciously regressive and oppressive measures, they could reshape the overall environment, laws, system, and masses – in what, to a select few, could be deemed as a (controlled) return to “The way it should be.”  Whereas FDR sought to reshape for everyone’s benefit, this ultimate upper class (O.05% to 1%) collusively sought/seeks to take every advantage of a worldwide financial collapse (crisis!!) – one which they created with Enron-vulture mind sets – for their sole benefit.

In relation, when people begin to rise, clear them out with (as written previously) sanitation ruses (a nationally coordinated onslaught to clear out OWSers).  Next, in association, “make demonstrations inside or near a college or university campus illegal and outlaw spontaneous demonstrations.”  Then, to make the mockery as blatantly in their (the whining, protesting proletariat) faces as possible, “force those who protest to seek permission from the police.”

Re: Wells Fargo Has Blood On Its Hands

May 21, 2012

Desperate Man Commits Suicide After Shocking Foreclosure Mistreatment

“Here’s the shocker: right at the start the Rousseaus came up with proof that the bank had received the payment and had cashed the check.”

Here’s the Truth: these mafia-type actions are nationwide business models, systematic, institutionalized (“like an assembly line”), and robo-signed (with ENRONish smiles: “Screw grandma, we’re getting that house.”).

Imagine if the same method had been applied to Norman Rousseau over a car loan.  Aside from the constantly modified interest rates and incessant fee scams, down to the last eight months of payments everything was spot on from Normon: never missed a payment/never late/always had “proof.”  Then, out of something planned, everything just kept, somehow, going wrong – for him.

First, the “bank misapplied [his] payment.”  Next, the bank lost (shredded) a payment – three times in the last eight months of the loan.  Then, the bank continued losing (shredding) every element of Normon’s “proof”: the cashier’s check receipts, certified mail from him with returned signatures from them, certified mail from even his attorney, documentation that they were cashing the checks, and so on (“like an assembly line”).  Finally (in the process), the bank started sending out repossession trucks.  Norman screamed to many authorities, local, state, and national: “Will anyone help me?  This is an outright scam!  I am being robbed!  This is like the mafia!  I have ‘proof!’”

But, no one stepped forward who could help – because the systematic actions were blind-eyed and covered – all the way to the White House.

Yes, that would be one level of nationwide (wink-wink) fraud.  Yet, we are talking about millions of people’s actual houses/homes.

Remember Dimitris Christoulas?  Remember this Buddhist?

At some critical juncture, during all of the manufactured crises, may as many as possible have finally seen, realized, and experienced – enough.

Remember this?
Occupy: pepper sprayed
Occupy: Awareness

The Christian Spirit Rests with Occupy Protestors
“Jesus went and occupied Jerusalem.  Martin Luther King Jr. went and occupied Memphis.  I am convinced that today the Christian spirit rests with those who occupy sites across the United States. . . .”

Foreclosure Fraud?  Obama Looks Forward

And when President Obama turned to Larry Summers and his apprentice Timothy Geithner and other Wall Street hacks to manage his economic team, it showed that “Hope” and “Change” really meant “Business As Usual.”

Occupy: A Crucified Movement

December 22, 2011

Where Were You When They Crucified My Movement?

Chris Hedges: “And there comes a time when a true follower of Jesus Christ must take a stand that’s neither safe nor politic nor popular but he must take a stand because it is right.”  “Where is the church now?  Where are the clergy?  Why do so many church doors remain shut?  Why do so many churches refuse to carry out the central mandate of the Christian Gospel and lift up the cross?”

“Some day they are going to have to answer the question:
‘Where were you when they crucified my Lord?'”

Gospel of Thomas, #108: “Whoever drinks from my mouth will become like me; I myself shall become that person, and the hidden things will be revealed to that person.”

Re: (12/25) “Why this insistence with appealing for religions’ support?”

“Christ of the Sermon on the mountain” is the focal point of the article/appeal: the Beatitudes.  If you read/watch it, without nullifying every issue with historical atrocities (those that have occurred sacrilegiously not only in the name of God/Jesus, but from virtually every religion), current moments of teaching might shine through – moments which expose atrocities, implicitly and explicitly – while also emphasizing the coinciding and uplifting Truth: what was meant to be, as guided (Beatitudes/Sermon on the Mount), what has actually happened, and how the corrupted chapters can be confronted (as they have been in the past, so they may also be in the present).

It is a call – to bring together, to take what was learned (from all sides), throughout, to embrace the Light of previous dissenting Stands in the face of evil (where the Word’s directions were being manipulatively trashed), and to Triumph once again with current actions which implement this overall historical knowledge, for/in what is right – Now, in the face of another immediate crucial challenge – one whose textual ending is not yet (earthly) written, and one whose spiritual power is still reaching out to those who wish to accept roles in fulfilling its affinity.

As far as “Religions have always been not only on the side of power but power themselves,” if the choice is still possible, reread, review, rethink, and refocus.  One-sided perspectives of such demeaning proportions most often have become wholly distorted because what was (diminutively) allowed within that schema only reflected (and enhanced) that which was already lost.

Regarding “Take Christ’s teaching as the teaching of one of the many enlightened people who walked on this planet but go as far away as you can from Christianity, a power and propaganda system that has never had anything in common with that Christ of the Sermon on the mountain” – many of those (throughout history) who took up (multifaceted) swords were indeed “enlightened” on various pristine levels, while encountering and experiencing (within/without) both the ultimate negative evolutions as well as the highest evolvements.  During these same periods, a predominance of “another many” also believed they were “enlightened” – while sowing the darkest destruction across this earth (and into relative realms).  Consequently, the latter feeding and fulfillment of the “other” side’s goals, blasphemously In His Name, for whatever then-current (and ongoing) reasons, was often countered and corresponded with the former ultimate Risings.  In doing so, those warriors who were called upon by the very Light were being True to the teachings, messages, and guidance of the holy One, the begotten Son – “who walked this planet” as one of them, meekly – knowing that though His death was written in the utmost cause, His everlasting life would provide a path to God’s kingdom, and Their forever.  They were not “go[ing] as far away as [they] [could] from Christianity,” they were getting ever-closer to the heart of it, thus accepting essential roles in distinct chapters (as intended, as requested, as scrolled and scribed, as manifested).

“Today is Christmas, so it may be a good day to also remember the victims of Christianity, compare to which Nazism and Stalinism fade as young apprentices.  We may see just baby Jesus in the nativity and the lights in the Xmas tree, but that’s because we have been indoctrinated and made blind to our own history.”

In relation to those further words of complete derision, the following words (as the previous) are for resultant clarity in vision – may the outcome be an awakened cleansing, for without there will surely be an ending based on those wholly clouded decisions:

Our Father in heaven, who lives among and within us,
the Judge of every one –
Our Savior, the King of kings, the Lord of what will be done –
may this sightless spirit be taught, that it may eventually see –
may the direction headed be turned,
as it directly opposes your promised eternity.

“Some day they are going to have to answer the question: ‘Where were you when they crucified my Lord?’”  When that time comes,
how will you answer?

Believing Tides


In His Name + For His Glory

Creed (Rain): Full Circle[s]

Solidarity: #Occupy Wall Street – Everywhere

October 15, 2011

Jubilant protestors react to the news that Bloomberg backed down (at least temporarily) in their fight to continue the OCCUPY WALL STREET! movement (with a base at Zuccotti/Liberty Park).  “Sanitation” was a blatant ruse Hosni Mubarak would have used (and everyone knew it):

When the Tahir Square protest took place in Egypt, the (eventual) supporting cry was (in essence) “We are all Egyptians now!”  When Americans/U.S. citizens decide to “Walk Like an Egyptian,” it’s time to blanket the media outlets with paid-off hacks/actors like Erin Burnett (“Seriously”: CNN/Fox = same) and Rep. Peter King (“Do Not Allow Any Legitimacy For Wall Street Protests, Or It Will Be Like 1960s Again”), then follow that up with an excuse via NY (billionaire) Mayor ( “Trying to Destroy Jobs”) Bloomberg to Sanitize the park — in order to shut out/down their “Walk.”  The world (and beyond) has been watching all of the revealing actions.

Re: “Does anyone know . . . how they ARE managing sanitation?”

Clearly, the NY protesters were, and are, “managing” the sanitation situation in an honorable fashion.  For instance, they have even coordinated their own clean up crews.  Yet, would you have asked the same question (for debate) if Hosni Mubarak had actually used the “sanitation” angle/tactic?  If he had done so, the world would have known that it was a ruse to undermine the rising protest.  That element (sanitation) is a red herring.  For curiosity, it works as a fleeting question.  But, as a focus, it only serves to fulfill the propagandistic goals of those who wanted it  (the question) to be central.  Refer to “12 Most Absurd Laws Used to Stifle the Occupy Wall St. Movement Around the Country.”  In that article you will see “measures the authorities are using to discourage, deter and crack down on peaceful protests.”  Of note, among other obvious “roadblocks,” 9) No Potties: “Occupy Dallas protesters have been walking a half-mile to use the nearest toilet since they started camping out in Pioneer Plaza because they could not afford the $1 million permit that would have allowed them to bring in a Porta-Potty.  Now, that is commitment!”

Ask yourself, is needing a $1 million permit reasonable?  Or, is it part of a blatant goal to “discourage, deter and crack down”?

Here, there is (supposed to be) a 1st Amendment: “the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”  When “Absurd Laws” or sabotaging “measures” are put forth in such a manner as to obviously override the latter, it is time to stand up and speak out – even more.  Further, during those times in which the clarity of the abuses (absurdity) becomes absolutely clear, it is crucial to not give validity to their methods by asking the very questions that the saboteurs provided as a means to undermine the dissenting movements.

Stand like Jesus and Gandhi.  Speak like MLK.
Walk Like An Egyptian.

Madison Is The Next Cairo

February 20, 2011

Tom Morello Coming To Wisconsin: ‘Madison Is The Next Cairo’

“Justice is Beautiful, but Justice is Never Free.”

Stand like Jesus and Gandhi. Speak like MLKWalk Like An Egyptian.

Talkin’ Bout a Revolution


Egypt: Walk Like An Egyptian

January 29, 2011

Walk Like An Egyptian
Stand like Jesus and Gandhi.  Speak like MLK.
Walk Like An Egyptian.

In His Name; For His Glory

December 25, 2010

Thank You For Everything You Have Done – And Will Do,
Our Savior Jesus Christ and Our Father, the One.

My Sword: “In His Name; For His Glory”:

Every Day,
Every Night,
Every Moment,
Every Light –
For Every Thing:
I Thank You –
Forever and Ever:
Amen ~+~

My Heart: In Your Names; For Your Glory:

For Everything You Did for Me,
For Everything You Did for Us,
For Everything You Will Do –
As Another Gift
Whatever I Can Give, Will Be:
“In His Name; For His Glory.”
Forever and Ever: “Eternity Is Only The Beginning.”
Amen ~+~



‘New Atheists’ & Evolution

Christmas Revelations

Yes: Miracle of Life +

Yes: Miracle of Life

Yes-Why? When?

Guide & Carry

The Doorway

Midterm: Further Right Lays Waste to What is Left

November 6, 2010

Re: Obama says he’s out of touch, but offers no concessions

President Obama’s first reaction to the republicans after the midterm results: Let us find “common ground.”  Absolutely amazing – but not surprising.  Everything he gave them for the last two years only further empowered their resolve to destroy him – and any possible remaining chances for Progressive change.  The “common ground” during that span was incessant corporate (Blue Dog) appeasement, which reflected Obama’s actual standing/commitment.  Consequently, his original base was torn – in stages of revulsion.  Anything learned? : “What the American people want is for us to mix and match ideas.”  Wrong!  The majority of citizens wanted the “Change” they were promised – not the same status quo, step-by-step sellouts prevalent since the Reagan years, or updated methods of watering down every measure to the point where the industrial/financial/military circle (neo-cons/neo-liberals) may as well have put forth/planned them themselves – yet openly.

“He noted that he engaged in closed-door, backroom deal-making to get his health care bill through Congress, but said it was necessary and the end justified the means.”  The “end” was a Mandate (during a worldwide Recession/don’t dare call it a Second Depression) – without a Public Option: “If a mandate was a solution, we could try that to solve homelessness by mandating everyone buy a house.”  The “means”: “These are the stock-in-trade tactics of the ‘power elite’ that C. Wright Mills wrote so poignantly about back in the 1950s.”

“It’s an ugly mess when it comes to process.  That is something that really affected how people viewed the outcome.  That is something that I regret . . . but I think the outcome was a good one.”  The “process” was assured as one that would be renewed, to an honorable level.  Instead, the “ugly mess” of corruption, behind closed doors, while being sold as something else, on stage, continued – and this, undoubtedly, “affected how people viewed the outcome” – but not just on health care; it “affected” how everything was “viewed” – overall.  Moreover, since Obama’s  degree of “regret” leaves him thinking “the outcome was [still] a good one,” and leads him to seek even more “common ground,” our society can be assured of what is on the horizon:

Senator Reid: “the biggest takeaway from this election is that the American people want compromise across party lines.”  Yes, that’s the answer: more “compromise” – in one direction.  And, those true colors never cease to reveal – as they continually dye each and every surface.

A “thanks” to Rahm Emanuel, Larry Summers, Timothy Geithner, Ben Bernanke, Robert Gates, and all other summoned advisors for the relevant midterm “outcome” – and all that is soon to follow – due to our president’s “out of [a certain] touch” choices, without (leftist, professional or otherwise) “concessions.”

Update (11/10): “President Obama’s . . . deficit reduction commission just proposed slashing Social Security.”

In relation to narratives created by Fox/Koch Brothers, etc., and what was the continuing mindset of the remaining Bush II minority, Obama appointed a biased Deficit Commission – during a Second Depression.  At the same time, he “Put Social Security on the Table.”  Then, the Deficit Commission’s (predetermined) recommendations were put off until after the midterms.  Now, with a new House, Obama and the remaining Blue Dogs will seek even more of that (veil of) “Common Ground,” and “Compromise” – while we hear more about sacrificing.

Re: What Happened to Change We Can Believe In?
Individual Mandates Bootstrap the Homeless
Foreclosure Fraud? Obama Looks Forward
Obama Put Social Security on the Table

[If FDR and his related Congresses had reacted as Obama and the last Congress, what is going to be (within two decades, maximum), would have already been – by 1945.

Prediction: The 2008 election was the last chance to turn a certain tide.  Since it, instead, served primarily to expose who factually rules and whose side Congress and any President will stand on, we can now look forward to a never-ending series of corporate waves.]

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Re: What Happened to Change We Can Believe In?

October 24, 2010

Re: (Frank Rich’s) What Happened to Change We Can Believe In?

Aside from midterm talking points/apologetic slants which obscure warranted levels of intense criticism (leading to actual “change”):

“President Obama, the Rodney Dangerfield of 2010, gets no respect for” . . . telling us to “look forward, not backward” – after instilling the “forward” as what would be on election day, instead of the opposite.

“President Obama, the Rodney Dangerfield of 2010, gets no respect for” . . . blocking the  release of a second set of torture photos – after promising the opposite.

“President Obama, the Rodney Dangerfield of 2010, gets no respect for” . . . human rights, as he continues the same abuses of his predecessor, with excuses of “possible future threats” (based on Minority Reports?), and information gleaned through torture – after inspiring a hopeful opposite.

“President Obama, the Rodney Dangerfield of 2010, gets no respect for” . . . bailing out Wall Street, without prompting a restoration of the Glass–Steagall Act, or providing relative relief to all the commoners who were purposely plundered – after portraying himself as a special interest opposite.

“President Obama, the Rodney Dangerfield of 2010, gets no respect for” . . . making secret deals with corporate executives, selling out the Public option, then signing a Mandate – after campaigning on the opposite.

“President Obama, the Rodney Dangerfield of 2010, gets no respect for” . . . “the dark cloud cast by” his willingness to defend extensions of unemployment checks, but not a National Jobs Program with teeth (i.e., one that is not $50 billion compared to $700 billion and loaded with even more Cheneyish tax cuts) – after attacking Bush II as his opposite.

“President Obama, the Rodney Dangerfield of 2010, gets no respect for” . . . failing to get his (supposed) party to use the slightest of backbones in letting the Bush II tax cuts expire for the wealthy – after guaranteeing the opposite.

“President Obama, the Rodney Dangerfield of 2010, gets no respect for” . . . appointing a Deficit Commission, dead-set on gutting Social Security as “austerity”/”self-sacrificing” measures (put off until December to guard the midterm results) – after championing privatization’s opposite.

“President Obama, the Rodney Dangerfield of 2010, gets no respect for” . . . refusing to implement a moratorium on foreclosures – after reams of documents and fifty state attorneys general make it certain that those Institutional denials of conspiratorial Fraud actually seal the opposite.

So, yes, within this “relentless drag on a chief executive who promised change we can believe in,” there is a “fatalistic sense that the stacked economic order that gave us the Great Recession remains not just in place but more entrenched and powerful than ever.”  And, within this environment, who gets “punished” “for bad behavior”?  The “Professional Left.”   But, “Should those [Other] forces prevail, an America that still hasn’t remotely recovered from the worst hard times in 70 years will end up handing over even more power to those who greased the skids.”  True, “[President Obama] sometimes looks as if he’s fronting for the industry.”  Yet, “Voters [somehow] are . . . failing to give the White House credit for its . . . successes,” and “finding it guilty of transgressions . . .” (since the “White House is hardly innocent”).  As a result, how could there be an Enthusiasm Gap?

Re: FBI Raids on Anti-War Activists

Foreclosure Fraud? Obama Looks Forward

October 23, 2010

FDIC Called On to Put Bank of America Into Receivership

KEY: “The banks that are foreclosing on fraudulently originated mortgages frequently cannot produce legitimate documents. . . .   Now, only fraud will let them take the homes.  Many of the required documents do not exist, and those that do exist would provide proof of the fraud that was involved in loan origination, securitization, and marketing.”

It’s the ENRON Dominoes: They need to repossess – in order to cover the Total Fraud – and to keep the Fraudulent Cycle/Accounting going.

Foreclose on the Foreclosure Frauds?
(No Chance with President Obama.)

“HUD reviewed the ‘paperwork’ problem to see whether it threatened the banks – not the homeowners who were the victims of foreclosure fraud.”  “[T]he Justice Department has not convicted a single senior officer of the large nonprime lenders who directed, committed, and profited enormously from the frauds.”  “Note the language: ‘mistakes,’ ‘errors,’ ‘processes’ (following the initial use of ‘paperwork’).  No mention of ‘fraud,’ ‘felony,’ ‘criminal investigations,’ or ‘prosecutions’ for the tens of thousands of felonies that representatives of the entities foreclosing on homes have admitted that they committed.”

In short/general: What about War Crimes, torture, and worldwide fraud as perpetuated from the Oval Office?  [T]he administration is focused on ensuring future compliance, rather than on looking back.”

But, aside from particular invasions, the torture (like the other War Crimes) was purposely directed and authorized under manipulated veils – documented memos written after-the-fact, for example – as a means to achieve political goals.  Remember the Nuremberg Principles?  “[W]e have not found any evidence at this point of systemic issues in the underlying legal or other documents that have been reviewed.”

There is a volume of undeniable proof!  How could you be so acquiescent?  Don’t you understand that these repercussions will reverberate throughout history – that others will take the abuses as a model?  “When the word ‘systematic’ or ‘systemic’ is used in this context, [we are] not saying that there couldn’t be significant real problems that affect real people in a very, very real way.”

Aside from the utter lunacy and hypocrisy of those responses (which, again, undoubtedly leave us open to escalating future ramifications), will you at least do something to counter the resulting fascist state of our economy?  “This is not a problem for [us] to fix.  This is a problem for the banks and servicers to fix.  They can fix it as fast as they feel like it.”

Too Pig to Jail? Exactly.

Update (2012):And instead of really, at the heart of this, being about accountability and punishment it seems like frankly a political whitewash during an election year.  So it makes the Department of Justice look good.  It makes the attorneys general look good.  The banks are happy because they are going to get all the credit for this settlement while receiving money from the taxpayers.  Really the only big losers are the taxpayers and, of course, the homeowners.”

(“It wasn’t just one individual or two or three individuals, it was branches of individuals, it was regions of individuals.”)

Individual Mandates Bootstrap the Homeless

Obama Put Social Security On The Table

Cranick Fire Fund Bedevils Glenn Beck

October 8, 2010

The “Tennessee fire department stood by and allowed the Cranick house to burn to the ground, destroying everything and killing the family’s dogs and cats.  All because the Cranicks failed to pay a $75 fee.”

For Glenn Beck, that’s prime-time joking material, as well as a door to rigid teaching (note the AFA, etc.) through relentless Belittlement – since God and Jesus would not have us tolerate the common riffraff’s panhandling cries.

Re: Glenn Beck Mocks Fire Victims

Who would consciously take part in spreading (worldwide) the most vile and vicious Lies – because they were essential to a soulless corporate and political agenda?  “Certainly not a . . . man of God.”  Who would reap a billion dollars within a deal to portray himself as a Seer – while serving the most corrupted spirit, and trashing the Beatitudes?  “Certainly not a . . . man of God.”  Who would make fools of millions of Followers – by exploiting their lacking intellect to a degree not seen since the 1930s?  “Certainly not a . . . man of God.”  Who would purposely take the former lessons of the basest Societal Manipulation – and, under a guise of updated enlightenment, twist them into propaganda campaigns which lead manipulated sheep toward the same destruction?  “Certainly not a . . . man of God.”  Who would be willing to Sell Anything – regardless of the level of losses for the masses in the forthcoming chapters, or even his Judgement in the Hereafter?  “Certainly not a . . . man of God.”  Who would be Laughing – while “mocking fire victims,” because he sees himself as above the lower (classes of) flames?  “Certainly not a . . . man of God.”

Cranick Fire Fund:
Donate @
Regular mail: Gene or Mildred Paulette Cranick
Special Account c/o Heritage Bank
P.O. Box 1410   Fulton, KY 42041

One Love (Song Around the World)

October 1, 2010

Playing For Change

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power
the world will know peace.” Jimi Hendrix

Neocon Worldviews Secede from Unions

September 13, 2010

Newt Gingrich: Obama May Hold ‘Kenyan, Anti-Colonial’ Worldview: [Alert: Code language for a “rebellious ni**er” follows.]  “What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?”

President Obama and his PR team did “con” the public during the last campaign – thus criticizing and lambasting what has taken place since then is appropriate, within warranted dissent and protest.  But, this level of endless “pals around with terrorists” counter-campaigning from the far-right represents the lowest level of gutter slime.  Obviously, the republicans are so mad in their quest to return to power (a power Obama has given them anyway by means of appeasement, and by being a Blue Dog champion) that they will never stop their talking points propaganda charade/parade – no matter what it takes.

The following related headlines (and a link) further represent how far they are (ACTually) willing to go in fomenting hysteria:

GOP Members Were Pushing Me To Advocate ‘Civil Uprising’

Rick Perry Won’t Give Up On Secession / Texas Secession Now

Another fair and balanced summary: (It would be “authentically dishonest” to summarize them, and their goals, in any other way.)
“I think [they] worked very hard at being [people] who [are] [immoral], [unreasonable], [extreme], [rigidly polar], transparent, [and] accommodating [to fellow neocons, regardless of offense] – [all] of which [is] true.”  “In the [Pravda] tradition, [they were just] being the [people] [their puppet masters] needed [them] to be in order to achieve the position[s] [they] needed to achieve.”

Chuck Norris: “What does it take to get Gina and I off our ranch in Texas.  An act of Congress?  No Way.  What it takes is God or Glenn Beck.”  Glenn Beck: “You can’t convince me that the founding fathers wouldn’t allow you to secede.”  And, let’s not forget: Palin Pals Around with Secessionists:

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Obama Put Social Security on the Table

August 15, 2010

AP tagline (08/14): “President Barack Obama used the anniversary of Social Security to trumpet Democrats’ support for the popular program and accuse Republicans of trying to destroy it.” Remember the (stacked) Deficit Commission?  Key relating quote: “everything on the table.”  That was President Obama – including Social Security in the “austerity” mix.  As a result, this is Ripe – as election season ploys (note recent articles on the sway of using Social Security as a mid-term campaign issue).  “Obama said he’s ‘committed to working with anyone, Democrat or Republican, who wants to strengthen Social Security.'”  Somehow, the person who put Social Security “on the table is also supposed to be the same person who is a champion of “strengthen[ing]” it?  (Word game/setup alert: cutting can lead to solvency, even if there are no actual solvency problems.)  On one hand, he scores points by “accus[ing] Republicans of trying to destroy,” based on the privatization issue.  On the other, he had already opened the door to destruction, based on “self-sacrifice” and “personal responsibility” (after 75 years – and millions upon millions have lost their jobs). This is what’s happening – with “everything on the table”: “Housing crisis reaches full boil in East Point; 62 injured.” This is what’s at stake – under the auspice of “Austerity: “Individual Mandates Bootstrap the Homeless.” This is what’s still going on – while we hear condescending updates on “Shared Sacrifice”: “How Goldman gambled on starvation.” Again, what was the (immediate) main target of Bush II after the 2004 (second stolen) election?  Social Security.  Since 1935, what has been at the top of ongoing goals for the conservative elite, as far as dismantling programs?  Social Security.  What was one of the main safety nets we Believed Obama would never allow to be Changed (gutted, step by step)?  Social Security.  As another domino is set to fall because of his administration’s continuous sellouts, there are no doubts of (progressive) betrayal remaining.  The “collective good” they promote is a fascist focus as a guarantee for chosen corporations – and bootstraps as the only guarantee for the masses.

FDR, August 14,1935: “Today a hope of many years’ standing is in large part fulfilled.  The civilization of the past hundred years . . . has tended more and more to make life insecure.  Young people have come to wonder what would be their lot when they came to old age.  The man with a job has wondered how long the job would last.  This social security measure gives at least some protection to thirty millions of our citizens who will reap direct benefits through unemployment compensation, through old-age pensions and through increased services for the protection of children and the prevention of ill health.”

And now, we are maybe two “only a sliverPR cycles (“heated rhetoric“) away from the next Change We Can Heave In. [Other notes: 1) Associated Press: “Unless Congress acts, Social Security’s combined retirement and disability trust funds are expected to run out of money in 2037.”  Pure talking points propaganda.  Reality: “The wildly pessimistic projections are based on assumptions that the economy will grow an average of 1.8 percent per year for the next 75 years – less than half the rate of the previous 75 years.”  2) Republicans: “An increase in Social Security taxes is out of the question, even for the wealthy.”  But, of course.] Update (09/04): Re: Labor Day Irony: The People Who Want to Cut Social Security All Have Great Retirement Plans More Labor Day reflections: The (robber baron) Deficit Commissioners crowd – the “elite” that Bush II referred to as his “base,” the group that President Obama allowed to be purposely stacked into a predetermined place – would have us forget, or evolve from (as in Social Darwinist Commission recommendations) certain history.  What are the origins of the Pullman Strike?  Why did President Cleveland want to “reconci[le]” with the labor movement?  Who was right – the oppressed workers being gouged to early deaths, or rampant, soulless corporatists?  What was right – taking the side of “the least among us” while they were under endless siege, or emboldening the assailants further by placating their ongoing looting mentality?  Further, where did the eight-hour work day/five-day work week come from?  Vacations?  Pensions/retirement?  Child labor and Safety regulations?  Minimum wage?  When corporate marauders crashed the (bubbled) system in 1929 (causing the Great Depression), who eventually stood up to Hoover’s status quo – while providing a mutually benevolent renewal of the rules (and opportunities)?  FDR. Now, under the most similar of circumstances, ask yourselves: Which president, Hoover or FDR, would have set up a Deficit Commission (selectively biased for the bourgeoisie’s desires)?  In relation, what would Bush II have done?  Final question: Who presented a populist campaign based on Hope and Change – then went in the opposite direction once at the helm? Update (11/10): “President Obama’s . . . deficit reduction commission just proposed slashing Social Security.” In relation to narratives created by Fox/Koch Brothers, etc., and what was the continuing mindset of the remaining minority, Obama appointed a biased Deficit Commission – during a Second Depression.  At the same time, he “Put Social Security on the Table.”  Then, the Deficit Commission’s (predetermined) recommendations were put off until after the midterms.  Now, with a new House, Obama and the remaining Blue Dogs will seek even more of that (veil of) “Common Ground,” and “Compromise” – while the sacrificed hear further sermons on the sanctity of sacrificing.

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