A Message In Every Word

As I reach up the ladder
There is something ever higher to perceive
Like a fire that is burning
In my heart I know I surely must believe

07-27-2012: "A Glimpse of Home"

To whom He also presented Himself alive . . . by many infallible proofs

2 Responses to A Message In Every Word

  1. SeaClearly says:

    “And, of course, we still don’t know what the deal is with consciousness” – “the central mystery of our entire existence.” If one cannot begin to answer the assertion, it would be wise to set aside (the choice of) atheism as an enlightened path (at least) until all avenues of possible awakenings have been exhausted. Does one want a “Big Bang” of scattered nothingness, or a “Eureka!” of infinite awareness?

    Does God Exist? : The Lord’s Prayer


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