Is It Demonic – or Democratic?

October 14, 2022

Just since the Hoax of Bush (WMD/Mortal Enemies) – they (the Democrats) have reversed course and Destroyed Everything (they once supposedly stood for): the party who fought for civil liberties/who fought against censorship/who fought against Free Speech Zones (Cages)/who fought against authoritarian dictates/who fought against the power of big tech monopolies/who raised attention to 1984/who fought for the commoners/who fought for everyone/who fought for Simple Truth/who fought for Truth to Power.

Now: Where can those (abandoned) people turn? Now: Targeted masses are forced into the Republican Party: a total reversal – where they (the Democrats) are Now the HUAC Oppressors.

Now: Regardless of past transgressions, she should be Heard.
Now is the time to Speak/Call Out. Now is the time to Stand (apart):
They Created Wars: to Codify Racism – to Codify WrongSpeech (with fines/imprisonment) – to Codify Seizing of Bank Accounts (for reasonable protests) – to Codify Indoctrination of Children – to Codify the State taking over parental authority (while targeting parents as Domestic Terrorists): A “cabal of war mongers driven by cowardly Wokeness – who divide us by Racializing every issue and stoking Ant-White Racism.” “Who are hostile to people of Faith and Spirituality.” “Who weaponize the National Security State to go after their political opponents.” And, “Above all, who are dragging us ever closer to Nuclear War.”

Nuclear War:
“This May Be Our Last Chance.”
Rule of Law:
“The Foundation of Our Democracy/a Banana Republic.”
Freedom of Speech:
“Fanatical Ideologues – Censor Speech/Thought/Religion.”
Freedom of Religion:
“Hostile to People of Faith/Christians/To Erase the Presence of God.
Right to Bear Arms:
“A Right to Defend Ourselves/2nd Amendment.”
Civil Liberties:
“Big Brother/Secret FISA Court/[87,000 Armed] IRS Agents.”
“Anti-White Racism/Betrayed MLK’s Dream/CRT-Modern Day Segregation.”
“Erase the Existence/To Force Us to Comply/No Truth = No Boundaries.”
“Bedrock of Civilization/Parental Rights/Secrets from Parents/Kids Taken.”

Quote: While we struggle to afford food and fuel, the elite gathered at Davos/WEF to discuss how we should be allowed to live our lives. Their totalitarian dream of a so-called “Great Reset” where people own nothing and are tracked/monitored with every step, must be condemned by us all.

Quote: This complete renunciation of what it means to be human, the overthrow of faith and traditional values, and the suppression of freedom are coming to resemble a “Religion in Reverse” – pure Satanism. Exposing false messiahs, Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: “By their fruits ye shall know them.”

End Note: What is accomplished by publicizing a $290 million purchase of Radiation Sickness medicine? Answer: See the next sentence. The following PSA was put out (Solely) to MANIPULATE/ESCALATE/PROVOKE – Not to DETER. It Is the Most Extreme “Classic,” and Modern Propaganda.
It is also a Summary (of how far they have, and will go):

What Is the Mark (of Beasts)?

May 1, 2022

There Will Come a Time:
Do You Want to Be Able to Buy/Sell/Eat?

At first, this was done to WikiLeaks. And now it is done [within stages] as a suffocation of any remaining Independent Journalism:
In yet another [Star-Chambered] escalation of Silicon Valley’s redoubled efforts to quash all “Dissent” since the beginning of the Ukraine War, PayPal has just blocked the accounts of multiple “Alternative Media Voices” who speak Truth to Power. In full coordination, who will be Individually Targeted with loss of financial abilities/even bank accounts?

PayPal Censor

A Mark: “In” the right hands and foreheads (beyond “On”)

Aside from those who are blind (unknowing):
Who know, but remain silent (yet opposed) – so as to continue eating.
Who know, but remain silent (in support) – while deciding what to eat.
Who know, and decide to speak – within wisdom of when/how they can.
Who know, and decide to speak – within its power, of which they serve.

Most are expecting certain chapters (of scriptures) to be explicit on the World Stage (strictly meeting what was written/literal). Still, the passages are (and will be) explicit enough (for those who can distinguish what is, alternatively, plain to see). Ask: What level of (rising) Fear is present – as fomented (relentlessly)? And: What level of (exponential) Repercussions exist – as warned and threatened (repeatedly)? Further, most are expecting an open “choice” – upon a stage of revelatory realizations. Yet, within (their) Star Chambers a modern cleverness, as cover, will override. Instead, the word “mandatory” will be implemented – so that even those who resist (in a prophetic light) will be “marked.” This, of course, was taken into account before God and Jesus Christ – and there will (still) be a way, provided, to stand apart (as John wrote). When it is outwardly imposed, beyond a “choice” – the truth will be with “In.”

“If any man have an ear, let him hear”:
What Are the (2) Beasts?

The first beast will not present itself, clearly; it will roam and devour as a spiritual predator – hidden and disguised behind lying kings (who are fed, surreptitiously, by its insatiable guidance). Multitudes will not realize the worldly prowling (in a singular entity of a sense), unless it is discerned: “What verses are unveiling?” and, “How should we (now) interpret the prophecies?” When their victories are only resulting through the trampling of Lies and Deceit (opposing presentations), that which is laid to waste can be a reflective picture – drawn as if it is breathing. When the simple truth is denied/smothered (at all costs), thus becoming an enemy, it can then be determined what is (said) of a malicious heart. Following – there will be Witnesses: “What is (visibly) being destroyed?” and “What is (undoubtedly) being fulfilled?”

As a continuance, the second beast (also spiritually, initially) will be fed by its own feeding – until enough is accomplished that it may Manifest as an earthly form (in some manner, though still hidden). Upon this lifting of a curtain, and similar as a sitting king (with worldwide power/force), there will be a discourse of further directions (from its seat) – that those who accept may be rewarded (“buy/sell/eat”), yet temporarily, and those who refuse may be starved/beaten (with eternal rewards thereafter). During these escalating periods (of Revelation), all will be Tracked (Human QR Codes, Vaccine Passports, Digital IDs, IP Addresses, Social Media) – for Compliance. And, whether they know or don’t know, whether they speak or remain silent – biblical times will be at hand.

When we can only trust that which is without question, know then what is true – and what is to be believed. When there is nothing left but undoubted answers, all that will remain is what was written to follow.

First Draft Coalition[s]

Ministries of Truth


Speak: Tell The Truth

May 9, 2018


“Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.”
“Nonviolence does not mean meek submission to the will of the evil doer, but it means the pitting of one’s whole soul against the will of the tyrant. Working under this law of our being, it is possible for a single individual to defy the whole might of an unjust empire to save his honour, his religion, his soul and lay . . . the foundations for that empire’s fall or its regeneration.” Gandhi
“Political language … is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind. One cannot change this all in a moment, but one can at least change one’s own habits, and from time to time one can even, if one jeers loudly enough, send some worn-out and useless phrase – some jackboot, Achilles’ heel, hotbed, melting pot, acid test, veritable inferno or other lump of verbal refuse – into the dustbin where it belongs.” George Orwell

Poor People’s Campaign

Reflections: Rich Passages Through Needles

August 5, 2012

(Romney’s Gods Problem)

Matthew 19:24
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

The key is a question: Why?  Without understanding why (where various paths are available for realization), one may acknowledge this passage, yet, never actually care about, or learn (or live) the message – as (a cored) truth.  Thus, for most of them, those who do not righteously seek, and those whose silver-spooned existence since birth has deprived (both by choice and obscured nature) even their imaginations of what the burdens are, of what those burdens lead to for the poor, their paths are essentially predestined in opposition – to discovery, to the answers.

In further exemplification, the latter denials (still) serve to fulfill the most destructive self-serving delusions (and repercussions):

Matthew 21:12-13
And Jesus went into the temple of God, and cast out all
them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew
the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them
that sold doves,
And said unto them, It is written, My house shall be called
the house of prayer; but ye have made it a den of thieves.

In the present, a rich” “den of thieves” persists in maliciously premeditated mockery – but not only in “house[s] of prayer”; for now, their soullessly hoaxed ideology (as if a religion in itself) has been firmly planted (“that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect”) in media and coordinated governmental campaigns worldwide.  To them, as they believe, their time has come.  To those on the outside (of earthly mansions), watching, suffering, and rising (spiritually), many know that this very history was written of – thousands of years ago.  While witnessing the onslaught, their beliefs and convictions (in sacred justifications) will also never falter through these prophesied progressions: out of great tribulation,”  “Here is the patience and the faith” – “in their foreheads” (though, at certain times of calling and duty, also written on their sleeves).

WindHarps: "Shared Words"

“Shared Words”

The Resurrection of Ralph Reed