Imagine: A Key

June 29, 2013

Imagination – as a Key?

Why is it so uniquely essential?  How could it unlock limits, where pathways to (and of) Truth might be experienced as realities?

Imagine Jesus Christ in the present realm/day (infallibly) talking
with you, while reflecting on and corresponding the past:

“I would do it again, if necessary because I Love you all so much.” 

Triads of One

Triads of One

Why not?

Ruins of Balance


A first step: Desire.  A next: to Believe (at least in possibilities).
Then, through [en]visioning, where can one reach?

>> Floods and Rains>

A Guide

June 22, 2013

A Guide

Eternal eyes welcome passage.
Here is Truth.
Open with care, that which is naked (as hearts).
Once embraced,
Why must certain invitations tear those apart?

Chance, choose, while dreams arise (in destinies).
Now is the time.
Search, as told to seek;
If one’s soul accepts,
The Guidance will be complete.

Revolutions of spheres spin distinction;
Where intuition speaks,
There is direction.
Lines are often drawn –
As intrinsic Art paints triads of reflection.

Awakenings answer absolute wondering.
Then, there is belief.
No longer wander beneath purity, light.
The journey arcs in ascensions;
Elation takes flights.

Here is the truth that invites.
Now is the chance to realize.
Where is the Art that replies?
Then is the answer to the search (for what guides).

Arrivals and Triads

On the Other Side

Desperation shows its ugly face in many ways
No one can escape the times we live in
The answers are so simple
And we all know where to look
It’s easier
Just to avoid the question

One Hand

One Hand

Ys and Whens

The Crest of Hope



Hello Again

June 6, 2013
Hello Again

Hello Again

Hello my friend, we meet again
It’s been awhile, where should we begin?
Feels like forever
Within my heart are memories
Of perfect love that you gave to me
Oh, I remember

When you are with me, I’m free
I’m careless, I believe

My Sacrifice: Creed

One Mind

One Mind

As I reach up the ladder

One Focus

One Focus

There is something ever higher to perceive

One Spirit

One Spirit

Like a fire that is burning
In my heart I know I surely must believe
