Sparks of the Tempest

December 17, 2021

Where are we now? Is it of biblical proportions?
What is left to be trusted?

Listen to the words (and read the lyrics):

Blood in the sand, a cry in the street
Now the cycle is nearly complete
Ten thousand years, and nothing was learned
No turning back, now the wheel has turned

Big Brother is watching and he likes what he sees
A world for the taking, when he’s ready to squeeze

(That was 1977. And this may as well be 1984.)

Protest Music: War (In The Name of God)

August 26, 2017

True and Minitrue: Reality May Be Kidnapped

November 17, 2009

True and “minitrue”: For many years the public was smothered from the utmost abuses of those who wished to “doublethink” them into “perpetual” political, ideological, and spiritual wars.  A specific goal was to obfuscate reality to such a point where the common people would end up following each shifting wave – blindly.  They would be kept so caught up in manipulated emotions that fact-based/knowledge-seeking instincts would be overridden.  Thus, the targets would never discover their primary weakness, or realize a controlled blindness.  Every previous boundary of objectivity and decency would be surpassed.  Truth was to be redefined and legally-opinionated incessantly – with a premeditation toward society’s eventual acceptance of the “minitrue.”: “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality.  And while you’re studying that reality . . . we’ll act again, creating other new realities. . . .  We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”  Even regarding nonpartisan issues, instead of instilling wholesome certitude and fortitude in the populace, the most obscene accusations would be imparted to incite a never-ending cycle of Fear: “Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists.”  Later, the evolutionary echoes continued to a crescendo: “Well, Mayor, how are you going to feel when it’s your daughter that’s kidnapped at school by a terrorist?”  And finally, it culminated in an atmosphere where, for many unknowing multitudes, their “Freedom” had indeed become their (hidden) “Slavery.”