Will You Accept a Microchip? Will You Have a Choice?

December 21, 2021

Religious Exemptions Not Allowed

Document Reveals USPS Is Monitoring Social Media Posts
Orwellian: Dictionary Changing “Vaccine” Definition
500 Million Pushed Into Poverty By COVID Policies
Australians Being Sent To “Quarantine Camps”
Parents Are Now “Domestic Terrorists”
Vaccine Passports: Mass Surveillance

Watch: How Much Is Controlled?

The Groom’s Still Waiting at the Altar
The Times They Are A-Changin’
Sparks of the Tempest

Persecution of Christians (As Mandated)

September 23, 2021
Forced Covid - 7 tenets of satanism

Is the “U.S. Army doing PR for Satanism”?[One] point of mandatory vaccination is to identify sincere Christians in the ranks.” (Similar techniques against captive audiences are used to indoctrinate and forcefully implement CRT – which should be challenged to the Supreme Court). Troops had to watch a slide presentation “to justify mandatory vaccines.” “In it, [was] a sympathetic portrayal of Satanism. ‘How many children were sacrificed to Satan because of the vaccine?’ the slide read, apparently sarcastically. The presentation then proceeded to list the so-called ‘7 tenets of Satanism,’ which [were] taken straight from the ‘temple of Satanism’ website.”
Should our military members, Christians or otherwise, be forced to undergo such blasphemous mocking and literal persecution? Should we? Is this “[experimental] serum to be injected into [our] flesh against [our] will”? Wisdom: [Why does it not matter to them if we have a valid religious belief, concern, and exemption]?

Pelosi 2020 & 21: “You cannot require that someone get vaccinated.”
Biden 2020: Mandate vaccines? “I don’t think it should be mandatory.”

Fauci 2020: “While a Covid-19 vaccine could be available in 2021, it won’t be mandated by the federal government,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “I don’t think you will ever see mandating of a vaccine particularly for the general public. If someone refuses the vaccine in the general public you cannot force someone to take it,” Fauci said in a virtual townhall organized by the website Healthline.

Biden 2021: Mandate For Businesses With 100 Or More Workers
One Result: Have your National IDs/Vaccine Passports/Papers ready.
Refuse: Lose your job, car, and home – while wondering how you will eat.

Even In the Name of: The NY Governor (while firing 70,000 and denying unemployment coverage) said those who refuse to get the vaccine are not just stupid but have turned their back on God: “there’s people out there who aren’t listening to God and what God wants.” Gov. Hochul added that the vaccine “is from God to us and we must say, thank you, God,” and said to her “smart” vaccinated supporters: “I need you to be my apostles.”

Contempt for Refusing Covid Vaccine on Religious Grounds

New York Gov. Denies Legitimacy of Religious Exemptions

There Are Times When F#X References Are Warranted

Mandated Tracking

I’m a Christian, so I believe Jesus risked his life for my freedom.
How could I say to my Lord, it’s great that you died for me and my freedom, but I’m not willing to risk a job?”