Genocide As “Social Justice”

August 5, 2023

What is behind CRT/DEI/Social Justice- and concerted accusations of
a 50+% White Supremacy Crisis (actually maybe a 0.01% problem)?
What was already, essentially achieved – before a fully planned and scripted doctrine of War was initiated? What would MLK think of Racial/Gender Genocide or a reversed KKK wanting newly separated water fountains?

How much was accomplished – since his time? Equality (to enough of a degree)? Yes. Diversity (to enough of a degree)? Yes. Affirmative Action (to enough of a degree)? Yes. Inclusion (to enough of a degree)? Yes. Essentially every facet was accomplished. But, somehow, all advancements have been Reversed – as if it’s pre-1954 (Board of Education) and pre-MLK successes. Backward, to a Nation of Islam rhetoric (circa 1960s). Backward, to a Militant view – promoting a Racist War of division (wholly created beyond actual context and actual historical progress).

What is on video record – as verbatim “policy goals” (supported/coordinated and promoted/directed from the very top of the world’s organizations)? Watch/Listen @ 18.21 (Twitter’s New CEO):

Extolling/Cheering: “Our new chairman of … (NBC), [says] the biggest news division in the country is going to be 50% women and 50% people of color.” This goal, from “the biggest news division in the country” is widespread – across the entire country.

Was she confronted over such inflammatory discrimination? Or, was she rewarded – culminating with a new CEO position?

50% Women and 50% People of Color = NO WHITE MEN. With That 100% – White Males Are Written Out of Existence. It Is In Writing – As a Policy. It Is On Video – As Proof. The Policy Is Racial/Gender Genocide.

They (WEF/UN/CRT/DEI) Consider This “Social Justice.” It is a “Socially Justified” War of “Exclusion.” And, this is the new policy of virtually all HR Departments. Should it be celebrated? Or, should it immediately be challenged in the Supreme Court? Does The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibit discrimination on the basis of race or sex?

Next Video Record – a prestigious professor, with openly verbatim “goals.” Watch/Listen @ 9:12:

Extolling/Cheering: “We gotta take these MotherF*ckers out.” And then,
“Whiteness is gonna have an end date.”

It = a mentality of Racial Genocide. It = reversing the KKK (as just a normal/acceptable evolution).

Did she lose her job over such a truthful/revealing rant? No, she is still spouting similar diatribes – while being further celebrated. What would happen to you if you crossed the same line – regarding any other Race, Color, or Creed? What would happen is undoubted.

With those presentations as exact representations, consider further:
Since virtually all HR Departments are indeed being (forcefully) overtaken with Equity (DEI) Managers, just ask yourself this: “If I am a White male, how will I ever find a job again?” “How will I be able to buy/sell/eat?” Answer: “If the War succeeds, in time, you won’t be able to.” It is not about Equality (of all), Diversity (of all), Inclusion (of all), Equity (for all) – or even Affirmative Action. Those days are past. It is, now, about (Institutionalized) Racial/Gender Genocide – literally, as planned many years ahead (and covered with fancy university/corporate legalese as warfare language – the very style Orwell warned of).

“The emperor has no clothes.” Say that, in relation to any of this, and what will they accuse you of? Being a White Supremacist? If so, ask them: “If ‘50% women and 50% people of color’ represents ‘Justice,’ whose soul/heart is revealed by blatant/blinded discrimination/racism?” “The responding accuser, or the oppressed target – being written out of existence?” Then, ask further: “If ‘White people are like the devil’ (to you), whose side would God be on?”

We were already there: Equality, and even harmony. Regardless, they decided to destroy it all – with a Race/Gender War, wholly created out of cloth. Who embraced harmony – and who wants to blow it all apart? Who are on the side of MLK to this day (not judging by the color of skin) – and who seeks to ruin his entire vision?

Management: Whites Need Not Apply
“White Supremacy…Is the Most Dangerous Terrorist Threat”
If You Stand Up/Speak Out – It Is Further Proof Of Your Racism