A “Godless” Jesus?

March 28, 2009

Whoever Jesus Was, He Wasn’t A Petty Partisan

Like Todd Wilkinson, many are sickened by the ongoing (and escalating) hijacking of every core precept within our originating belief system.  (Years ago, Yusuf Islam expressed the same about his.)  Current (U.S.) society is unceasingly blanketed with renewed perversions of sacred text, which seek to institutionalize Social Darwinism and Orwellianism – in Jesus’ name.  (“This is an impressive crowd, the haves and the have-mores.  Some people call you the elite.  I call you my base.” It’s not torture when we implement all the darkest historical practices.  It’s “enhanced interrogation.”)  Indeed, “they are quick to persecute those who disagree with their politically-informed interpretations of scripture,” since an exclusive agenda must be rationalized – to whatever extremes are necessary – in order that the “fittest” of the “chosen” may continue to update the rules.  In their eyes, the meek may inherit the earth, but only as tillers of the soil.  Ever-expanding lawns of heavenly mansions will need to be cultivated, and the lowest-level subjects/servants will be content – but only after they finally accept these predestined provisions.  (12/25/2009)

The Passion of The Christ


Jesus Christ of Nazareth: Higher (Creed)

March 7, 2009

Ring Them Bells +1

The Story In Your Eyes