UFOs and World Stages

June 4, 2021

Katherine Graham: “We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know, and shouldn’t [until we determine what outcome is desired].”

Karl Rove: ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.’

MSM Wastes No Time Using Senate UFO Report
“The New York Times has published an article on the contents of the hotly anticipated US government report on UFOs, as per usual based on statements of anonymous officials, and as per usual promoting narratives that are convenient for imperialists and war profiteers.”

“One senior official [with a straight, but hidden face] said without hesitation that U.S. officials knew it was not American technology.
He said there was worry among intelligence and military officials that China or Russia could be experimenting with hypersonic technology.”
(Directly thereafter this statement, he and his colleagues laughed their asses off behind further closed doors for at least 15 minutes. Objective assessment: To them it wasn’t just another success; it was also funny.)

[Later, a First Grade teacher presented this to the class. One responded: “But, that doesn’t make sense. Those things are not from here.” The teacher replied: “And that, my son, is the level of the world we live in.”]

“Together with one voice,” all (99%) airwaves and mediums are being blanketed in unison, with a singular, smothering talking point: “It seems like a threat if there ever was one – [and, it only follows, somehow, that even though the technology is undoubtedly beyond our world by maybe a million years, Russia and China could be the culprits].” Indeed, it is an ongoing and exponentially-rising threat – but not from our brothers or sisters who are obviously from other planets. Based on my present anonymity and currently anonymous sources, “I [can] predict the future”: There will come a time when the “intelligence” shared by them (aliens/extraterrestrials) will be clear, as altruistic messages. No one, then, will wonder if the coordinated communications are just continuing Psy-Ops of earthly fashions/technologies/goals. The truth of this place: for needed revelations. The uplifting realities of theirs, as related: for preparatory awakenings. Following, the masses will be freed to make choices based on different “Sights” and “Voices” (for a new future) – beyond Narratives which purposely suffocate with controlled oppression.

Anonymous Clarification:
“Yes, I have seen. And, yes, there has been ‘Contact.'”

Occupations Rising: Pots and Pans Worldwide

May 27, 2012

In Quebec, A Revolution of Love, Hope and Community

“If we talk, if we exchange ideas and debate the future of our society, we will want to change it.  And nothing terrifies the powerful more than a change to the system which gives them their power.”

“People don’t need the media to tell them what is happening outside their door.  They can hear it.  They can feel it.  The genie cannot go back in the bottle. We are awake, truly awake for the first time in a long time.  We will not go back to sleep.”

Occupy: Walk Like an Egyptian

Update (06/04):
Northern Light: Why Canada’s ‘Casserole’ Movement is All of Ours

Sound familiar? : Tuition abuses and “a call for higher fees for health care, the firing of public sector employees, the closure of factories, the corporate exploitation of natural resources, new restrictions on union organizing, and an announced increase in the retirement age.”

It should.  An extremist ideology was agreed upon by elite leaders throughout the world – in covert concerts.  “Austerity” and “Shared Sacrifice” would be a wave across all lands – this, purposely, being the direct opposite of what was needed (for positive recovery).  With these consciously regressive and oppressive measures, they could reshape the overall environment, laws, system, and masses – in what, to a select few, could be deemed as a (controlled) return to “The way it should be.”  Whereas FDR sought to reshape for everyone’s benefit, this ultimate upper class (O.05% to 1%) collusively sought/seeks to take every advantage of a worldwide financial collapse (crisis!!) – one which they created with Enron-vulture mind sets – for their sole benefit.

In relation, when people begin to rise, clear them out with (as written previously) sanitation ruses (a nationally coordinated onslaught to clear out OWSers).  Next, in association, “make demonstrations inside or near a college or university campus illegal and outlaw spontaneous demonstrations.”  Then, to make the mockery as blatantly in their (the whining, protesting proletariat) faces as possible, “force those who protest to seek permission from the police.”

Re: Wells Fargo Has Blood On Its Hands

May 21, 2012

Desperate Man Commits Suicide After Shocking Foreclosure Mistreatment

“Here’s the shocker: right at the start the Rousseaus came up with proof that the bank had received the payment and had cashed the check.”

Here’s the Truth: these mafia-type actions are nationwide business models, systematic, institutionalized (“like an assembly line”), and robo-signed (with ENRONish smiles: “Screw grandma, we’re getting that house.”).

Imagine if the same method had been applied to Norman Rousseau over a car loan.  Aside from the constantly modified interest rates and incessant fee scams, down to the last eight months of payments everything was spot on from Normon: never missed a payment/never late/always had “proof.”  Then, out of something planned, everything just kept, somehow, going wrong – for him.

First, the “bank misapplied [his] payment.”  Next, the bank lost (shredded) a payment – three times in the last eight months of the loan.  Then, the bank continued losing (shredding) every element of Normon’s “proof”: the cashier’s check receipts, certified mail from him with returned signatures from them, certified mail from even his attorney, documentation that they were cashing the checks, and so on (“like an assembly line”).  Finally (in the process), the bank started sending out repossession trucks.  Norman screamed to many authorities, local, state, and national: “Will anyone help me?  This is an outright scam!  I am being robbed!  This is like the mafia!  I have ‘proof!’”

But, no one stepped forward who could help – because the systematic actions were blind-eyed and covered – all the way to the White House.

Yes, that would be one level of nationwide (wink-wink) fraud.  Yet, we are talking about millions of people’s actual houses/homes.

Remember Dimitris Christoulas?  Remember this Buddhist?

At some critical juncture, during all of the manufactured crises, may as many as possible have finally seen, realized, and experienced – enough.

Remember this?
Occupy: pepper sprayed
Occupy: Awareness

The Christian Spirit Rests with Occupy Protestors
“Jesus went and occupied Jerusalem.  Martin Luther King Jr. went and occupied Memphis.  I am convinced that today the Christian spirit rests with those who occupy sites across the United States. . . .”

Foreclosure Fraud?  Obama Looks Forward

And when President Obama turned to Larry Summers and his apprentice Timothy Geithner and other Wall Street hacks to manage his economic team, it showed that “Hope” and “Change” really meant “Business As Usual.”