Tracking Policies: Revelations In Our Age

January 1, 2022

In this age of Total Surveillance, would you want to Opt-In – to their terms? If not, how could you Opt-Out? For growing awareness, the following is a literal representation/summary of an insurance (Farmers) provider’s notice received in relation to the current level of “Privacy” one can expect. It includes essentially every metric available in our modern world as a means to access and correlate the most private aspects of our entire lives. Moreover, the statement also emphasizes that it not only covers the policy holder, but “members of [the] household” as well.

An Actual Privacy Policy – For Car Insurance
Farmers: “Information We Collect”

“Internal” category including an example of Individual Interests:
How would they know what those personal interests are? How would they find them? To what extent? How would they be able to “Collect” and correlate all that “Individual” information? What does this have to do with car insurance (now)?

“Historical” category including Personal History: Criminal and Medical history (with records): So, they want to know our criminal history (if any) to determine coverage? Reflecting: Once one pays his debt, if any, to society it actually does not end there? Medical? What in the hell? What about HIPAA? How deep/far? How “Personal”? How private? What happened to patient/doctor confidentiality? What if one had Covid-19 – but gained Natural Immunity afterward, and thus decided (aside from religious concerns) to refuse Vaccine Mandates? Again, what does all this have to do with car insurance (now)?

“Financial” category including Credit, Records of Property, Income, Loans, and Taxes: So, moreover, if they have access to all Credit, Income, Loans (etc.), and Taxes – combined with all Interests, Criminal, and Medical history, what is left – and, what does this entirety have to do with car insurance (now)?

“External” category including Browsing Behavior and Mental Health: My browsing history? As in “Interests,” how would they know what that behavioral history is? To what extent? Again, how would they also be able to “Collect” and correlate all that “External” information? Mental? What could be more private? How could they have said access? What if I am being treated for a major disorder, but it’s been under control for years. What if it’s not? What happened to patient/doctor confidentiality? Do I have to pay more or less for insurance on my car depending on the insurance company’s biases toward certain afflictions? Are some disorders credited as acceptable while others are penalized as not?

“Social” category including Professional, Public Life, Social Network, and Communication with examples of job titles, work history, schools, [criminal] charges (even if found innocent), and telephone recordings: Well, that’s quite a Profile – including Social Media. So, our rates may vary according to everything previous, as well as postings on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube, etc.? Does that mean the insurance company will evaluate those sites/posts for political stances, religious leanings, and anything deemed conspiratorial? Are those “telephone recordings” only between one and the insurance company? Or, as with everything previous, should one also assume that it’s all there for the taking – as in, literally, every (other) cell phone call and every (other) existing “Communication”?

“Tracking” category including Location with an example of IP Addresses: By this point of the “Notice” it could be assumed that, beyond our home-based computers, this also means “Tracking” us via, say, Google Maps (with our cell phones), at all times. And, it could be further assumed that, through their Snowden-leaked type technologies, we might be pinpointed to such a degree where even our “IP Addresses,” from wherever else we accessed the web, was additionally under constant surveillance – in order to assess (car) insurance coverage.

To sum up, that’s “Internal,” “Historical,” “Financial,” “External,” “Social,” and “Tracking.” Quite a life compilation. And, these notices are now simply inserted, or linked, at the end of almost every agreement/policy – just as they made common with Arbitration clauses. After all this, just for car insurance, ask yourself: Is there anything left – as unknown to them, or as sacred to you?

Revelations In Our Age

How much more clear of an absolute example in this area do we need? Furthermore, and in total relation, consider/correlate the following article with this summary: How Digital Vaccine Passports Pave Way for Unprecedented Surveillance Capitalism:Gates’ ID2020 campaign has collaborated with the forces advancing a system that registers Americans’ vaccination status with the same corporation that calculates their financial credit score.” What do they want, altogether? What are their ultimate goals combined with hidden objectives? Is it a complete/all-encompassing Social Credit System (of “Tracking”), be it through Vaccine Passports, National IDs, or eventual Microchips? Will there come a time when we won’t be able to buy or sell without being a (targeted) part of it? Will we have a choice?

Vaccine Passport EXP

How much more of a picture do we need – as proof of our current age,
of where we stand within, of what was written
(to be aware of, and to be ready for)?


Do the words ominous and prophetic come to mind? They should.

The Times They Are A-Changin’