UFOs and World Stages

June 4, 2021

Katherine Graham: “We live in a dirty and dangerous world. There are some things the general public does not need to know, and shouldn’t [until we determine what outcome is desired].”

Karl Rove: ‘We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.’

MSM Wastes No Time Using Senate UFO Report
“The New York Times has published an article on the contents of the hotly anticipated US government report on UFOs, as per usual based on statements of anonymous officials, and as per usual promoting narratives that are convenient for imperialists and war profiteers.”

“One senior official [with a straight, but hidden face] said without hesitation that U.S. officials knew it was not American technology.
He said there was worry among intelligence and military officials that China or Russia could be experimenting with hypersonic technology.”
(Directly thereafter this statement, he and his colleagues laughed their asses off behind further closed doors for at least 15 minutes. Objective assessment: To them it wasn’t just another success; it was also funny.)

[Later, a First Grade teacher presented this to the class. One responded: “But, that doesn’t make sense. Those things are not from here.” The teacher replied: “And that, my son, is the level of the world we live in.”]

“Together with one voice,” all (99%) airwaves and mediums are being blanketed in unison, with a singular, smothering talking point: “It seems like a threat if there ever was one – [and, it only follows, somehow, that even though the technology is undoubtedly beyond our world by maybe a million years, Russia and China could be the culprits].” Indeed, it is an ongoing and exponentially-rising threat – but not from our brothers or sisters who are obviously from other planets. Based on my present anonymity and currently anonymous sources, “I [can] predict the future”: There will come a time when the “intelligence” shared by them (aliens/extraterrestrials) will be clear, as altruistic messages. No one, then, will wonder if the coordinated communications are just continuing Psy-Ops of earthly fashions/technologies/goals. The truth of this place: for needed revelations. The uplifting realities of theirs, as related: for preparatory awakenings. Following, the masses will be freed to make choices based on different “Sights” and “Voices” (for a new future) – beyond Narratives which purposely suffocate with controlled oppression.

Anonymous Clarification:
“Yes, I have seen. And, yes, there has been ‘Contact.'”