God Will Awaken (a Bridge)

March 15, 2022

Will the World Become So “Woke” That God Awakens His People?
Once Awoken, When Will We Have Seen Enough?

pregnant man

There is a “lunatic fringe” (despite what is overwhelmingly promoted and supported from malevolent Star Chambers, they are actually a “fringe“) who will never stop pushing further with their earthly blasphemies of every standard that ever existed. Without standards, what will remain? Hedonism? (It has happened before).

In a context/focus (gender is now, somehow, a “Sense” of who you are, as opposed to the erased past: “Physical”), mark certain words: There will come a time (if they can succeed as a goal) when parents (as Domestic Terrorists) are no longer allowed to have “male” or “female” noted on their child’s birth certificates. That responsibility will become the child’s, for “him” or “her” to decide – after 7 years of state-forced indoctrination. Then, “he” or “she” (or whatever) can inform the “Fathers” and “Mothers” that it is time to notify the state of “its” profound/pronoun[ed] decision. Once it goes that far, how many more eyes will be opened?

What Is Left To Be Trusted?

And Babylon, the glory of kingdoms, the beauty of the Chaldees’ excellency, shall be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah.