Neocon Worldviews Secede from Unions

September 13, 2010

Newt Gingrich: Obama May Hold ‘Kenyan, Anti-Colonial’ Worldview: [Alert: Code language for a “rebellious ni**er” follows.]  “What if [Obama] is so outside our comprehension, that only if you understand Kenyan, anti-colonial behavior, can you begin to piece together [his actions]?”

President Obama and his PR team did “con” the public during the last campaign – thus criticizing and lambasting what has taken place since then is appropriate, within warranted dissent and protest.  But, this level of endless “pals around with terrorists” counter-campaigning from the far-right represents the lowest level of gutter slime.  Obviously, the republicans are so mad in their quest to return to power (a power Obama has given them anyway by means of appeasement, and by being a Blue Dog champion) that they will never stop their talking points propaganda charade/parade – no matter what it takes.

The following related headlines (and a link) further represent how far they are (ACTually) willing to go in fomenting hysteria:

GOP Members Were Pushing Me To Advocate ‘Civil Uprising’

Rick Perry Won’t Give Up On Secession / Texas Secession Now

Another fair and balanced summary: (It would be “authentically dishonest” to summarize them, and their goals, in any other way.)
“I think [they] worked very hard at being [people] who [are] [immoral], [unreasonable], [extreme], [rigidly polar], transparent, [and] accommodating [to fellow neocons, regardless of offense] – [all] of which [is] true.”  “In the [Pravda] tradition, [they were just] being the [people] [their puppet masters] needed [them] to be in order to achieve the position[s] [they] needed to achieve.”

Chuck Norris: “What does it take to get Gina and I off our ranch in Texas.  An act of Congress?  No Way.  What it takes is God or Glenn Beck.”  Glenn Beck: “You can’t convince me that the founding fathers wouldn’t allow you to secede.”  And, let’s not forget: Palin Pals Around with Secessionists:

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